The library has computers available for use during breaks, including before and after school, printing services and laminating. Our collection includes a fantastic fiction section with a wide variety of Manga and Graphic Novels. Our collection is constantly updated with latest releases, non-fiction reference sources for those seeking information, picture books, newspapers and magazines.
All class novels and Year 11 & 12 textbooks are collected and returned through the library. The borrowing period of textbooks is dependent upon the subject. Most textbooks are borrowed for the year and are due immediately after the student’s last piece of assessment. When the book is only borrowed for a specific section of the curriculum (eg. novel), the resource is due immediately following the assessment or completion of the unit of work.
The library is open from 7.30am to 3.00pm every day with students able to access it during their break. Students may borrow 2 books with a borrowing period of 2 weeks. If more resources are required or if they are required for a longer period, this must be negotiated with the library staff.
We offer daily homework support from 8 am – 8.30am and 2.30pm – 3.00pm where a teacher aide can support students with questions or clarification in their given subjects.
Digital Resources
Our library catalogue is now available via this library link. The catalogue allows students to access articles, eBooks, audiobooks and documentaries either at home or at school.
To log in students use their MISID, with the default password = Morayfield2154!
Please ask staff in the library if you are having difficulties using the site. The online library will contain many resources, including:
- eBooks and audiobooks
- how to research and how to reference
- documentaries
- movies
Moreton Bay Libraries
Our school has a positive relationship with the Moreton Bay Library. Students can access a range of databases for their research by joining the library.
To join the library simply click on the link:
Moreton Bay libraries have a large range of digital resources.
Choose from a wide variety of ebooks and graphic novels, available for free to read on your computer, portable device or eReader. Search their collection or browse the exclusive online resources available to library members.
From school assignments to fact checking, access encyclopedias, databases and journals from anywhere. Learn a new skill, or perhaps a new language, develop new technology skills, or find job and career information:
The Caboolture Library offers many different programs for school age students including LOUD (4th Friday 12-17 years).
The library stays open for you to play computer games, hang out with friends and listen to music. Ages 12-17. LOUD meets on the 4th Friday of the month from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM. Excluding public holidays.
Minecraft Club
Complete challenges, learn new skills and connect with other Crafters on our library server. Book a spot to play from home using your own Bedrock or Java account or come and use library computers and accounts. Beginners to advanced players. Ages 6–17. Sessions each week on Tuesdays 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM. Bookings required and open each Tuesday for the following week.