Morayfield State High School wishes to utilise the third party web based service provider/s listed below to aid students learning. For your student to use the service the teacher will need to register them as a user. Registering with these providers requires student personal information to be disclosed to the provider of the service. In the case of the services outlined below they are private companies that are hosted onshore in Australia and/or outside of Australia. Outside of Australia means that data that is entered to register for these sites will be stored on servers that are not based in Australia and therefore are not bound by Queensland's privacy laws. Registration may include disclosing the following information about your student:
- Student Name
- Student ID
- Age, DOB
- Year group
- Gender
- Class Teacher
- Student email
- Educational and/or lifetime goals
- Address – Morayfield SHS address will be used
- Country
- Language
- Username
- Password
- Security question and answer
- Student status
- Employment status
We need your permission for the registration and use of these sites by your student. In the senior school, some subjects are provided by external organisations that require the student be registered with their website to receive the qualification.
Note: It is not compulsory for you to provide this consent – If you decide not to provide consent, this will not adversely affect academic achievement, or any relationships with teachers or the school. Before you complete this consent form it is important that you understand the reasons that these websites collect this information, what will be done with it, who else may have access to it and where the data is stored. This information can be found in the hyperlinks wtihin the consent form referring to each website's terms and conditions and/or privacy policy.
You can download our Years 7 - 9 Third Party Website Consent form and Years 10 - 12 Third Party Website Consent form from our website or the form can be collected from the main administration office. This document is also included in each enrolment application.
Please read these and ensure that you understand the implications of using this service before giving your consent. If you have any queries around the storage of student's information, please feel free to contact the Head of Department – Technology, Mr Grant McDougall on 5428 5555.
You can view a list of our current third party web based service providers accesssed by students at Morayfield State High School on the Third Party Website Consent forms above.